Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Christchurch Quake
The Christchurch Cathedral, Construction Begun in 1864, now it is beyond repair. Many Buildings in the CBD destroyed, and the 26 story Grand Chancellor Hotel is on the brink of collapse. Christchurch is the Third largest City in NZ by Population. New Zealand is currently in a National State of Emergency. Some people are waiting in a line for up to 3 hours in order to get clean drinking water. 

More Importantly, Many Lives lost and many more missing.

Death Toll: 75
People Registered as Missing: 300

New Zealand, being such a small country, means that most everyone has friends or family in Christchurch. 

Personal Bit:
 My family in Christchurch, thankfully, are all ok. 

A Horrible Truth.
New Zealand is considered a very generous country, but like last time the goodwill of many is taken advantage of, with people setting up scams, claiming to appeal for donations in the Name of Disaster relief but in reality for personal gain.

1 comment:

  1. this is truly awful :(
    i wish there was something i could do to help. my heart goes out to all the people of new zealand
