Monday, October 31, 2011

Urban Timber - CC Free House Appaloosa Plains

Urban Timber 
- CC Free House Appaloosa Plains - 
1814 Ednamary Way

Lot Size: 30x40
Details:CC Free. 5 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, Open plan Kitchen, Dining and Lounge, Second Upstairs Lounge, Study and Outdoor Barbecue area. 
The lot is built for 1814 Ednamary Way, Appaloosa Plains, But obviously can go on any 20x40 lot or larger.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Been Playing Pets All Weekend

Because of all the troubles I just decided to go cc free, except for all the stuff I have from the store.
It's been fun, and I have been playing without cheats.
My Current Household consists of 1 sim and 2 dogs.
James Kingfarrier and his 2 dogs, Poirot and Pharaoh.
James About To Enjoy A Freezerbunny Ice-cream.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Roman Toga By SR

-Roman Toga By SR-

This toga is for YA and Adult Males.
There is a desperate need for a male toga, therefore I have created this.
The White and the Red are both recolor-able.

Friday, October 14, 2011

End of World VS. Pets Release

Pets is released over here on the 21st of October, Funnily enough when using Google to try and confirm this as the release date of pets, it also happens to be the End of the world, well according to Harold Camping anyway, though If one was to believe every word of his, then earth should have been burning since May...

After his failed prediction regarding May 21, 2011 being the beginning of the Apocalypse, which would have finally ended on October 21, 2011, Mr Camping went on to insist that despite the May Mishap. October will still be the end of the world. While I am not against the idea of the End Of The World, I'm against the idea that Mr. Camping knows when it is...

And so, with this prediction from Mr. Camping in mind, I have faith in one thing...

That on October 22nd I Shall Be Enjoying Pets.

Just an After thought...
Is the UK release countdown over at Simprograms a countdown to the End of The World?

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Grant has Returned!
Thanks JPS for alerting me to the fact in your latest post.

The post calls him SimGuruGrant, but as I remember it his sim guru name was SimGuruWalrus.

I think Grant will be the lead developer in the next expansion, which will be Weather.
This is just my hypothesis, so don't go around quoting me on this. 

You Might Remember This Picture (one of many) from Months back...
It seems quite appropriate for this moment.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One Year of Blogging

This post is indeed a little late, the 1 year of blogging mark passed in September, but I want to acknowledge it all the same, although it is October

So What Has Happened in this Year?
Some Things From The Stats:

Total Pageviews:

The Best Month was June 2011
June Pageviews:

Total Number of Comments:

Total Number of Published Posts:

Top 5 Traffic Sources:

Top Search Keywords:

5 Most Viewed Posts:

Other Things From The Stats:

Some other referring sites I'd Like to Thank:

One site that gave me so few referrals it doesn't deserve to be on this list but I feel like mentioning...

Strange Search Keyword:

I won't go over in any detail the events of the past year, only because that's what I want to do at the end of the year, much like my 2010 (half) year in review.
But, I do want to share this picture, taken when the blog first started, a little reminder of the blog's beginnings...

Monday, October 10, 2011

TIN TIN! (The Adventures of Tin Tin)

For those without good taste when it comes to Children's Entertainment, Tin Tin is
 a comic (which I never read unfortunately) that became a TV series (which I loved).

It's about Tin Tin and his dog and they solved mysteries, comparable to Nancy Drew 
or the Hardy boys (Never heard of those?...impossible). Tin Tin is a classic, and most noteworthy is his hair, it has a trademark style which is best understood by looking at the picture. ( I have attempted making the hairstyle for sims 3...will upload later maybe)

This brings me to the reason for the post...
There is going to be a Tin Tin Movie! (in 3D naturally)

But that's not all, there will be 3 Tin Tin movies!
 But wait  there's more...The movies will be directed by Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson. 
But It doesn't stop there...There will also be a Tin Tin game!

But Wait... funnily enough, The game is called Secret of the Unicorn (Petslol)
But that is because the ship around which the game and first movie are mainly set is called the Unicorn I believe. December release for the first film.

But wait...that is all XD